Pescado River

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Pescado River rises in the eastern mountain range and is 50 km long. On its shore,  Belen and Valparaiso towns are located. This river had a great importance during the Colony and in the time called "Época del Caucho" in Colombia (rubber industry). The zone around the river was inhabited by the "Andakí" native community. One of the main tributaries of Pescado river is the Sarabando river which goes over Belen town and has as important tributaries the the San Juan and Fragua Grande rivers; this river is the natural limit between Belen and Valparaiso towns. San José del Fragua town receives the waters from San Pedro river which in turn has main tributaries "La Paz" and "Yuyal" gorges. Also the "Fragua Chorroso" and the "Mayasa" gorges flows in San Pedro River.